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NIBM has achieved 35th Rank in IIRF 2025 Top MBA Colleges in India

Course Curriculum

The curriculum covers a broad range of topics related to management of banks and financial institutions. It is designed to progress from foundational inputs on finance, economics, operations, quantitative analysis, organizational behavior and general management to core concepts in banking systems and products, asset and liability management, credit appraisal and management, risk management, treasury and investment management, international banking and forex management, bank regulation, leadership and strategic management. The students are also equipped with computing skills that are essential for managers in the financial services industry.


About PGDM

The two-year PGDM (B&FS) is designed to be a contemporary, rigorous and innovative programme for management education in banking and finance And . The course provides a thorough grounding in foundational subjects imparts advanced training on analytical skills and builds a holistic perspective on the financial services' industry. It also equips the students with a keen appreciation of the business challenges in the financial services' industry and prepares them for coveted managerial roles. As a result, banks and financial institutions have always placed our students in key domains like credit appraisal and management, investment and treasury operations, trade finance, foreign exchange and risk management.

Expected Profile of the Students
While selecting the candidates, emphasis has been on diversity of academic background. Therefore, students admitted to the programme are from varied disciplines like arts, commerce, science and engineering. They demonstrate high levels of initiative and energy, capacity for hard work, strong task orientation, willingness to learn, propensity to teamwork 1, and a passion to excel.

About NIBM

National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM) was established in 1969 by the Reserve Bank of India, in consultation with the Government of India, as an autonomous apex institution for research, training, education and consultancy in bank management. Its mandate is to play a proactive role of “think-tank” of the banking system. NIBM is part of the grand vision of giving a new direction to the banking industry in India and making the industry a more cost-effective instrument for national development. Therefore, helping the managers in their endeavour to make their organizations competitive both in domestic and international markets is the mission of the Institute. NIBM, an autonomous academic institution, is governed by a Board, its highest policy-making body.

The Institute is engaged in Research (policy and operations), Training & Education of senior executives of banks, and provides Consulting support to the banking and financial sector. As an institution of advanced learning,

Alumni Speak

Alumni Speak

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